By Rachael Erickson
     Gene therapy is an up and coming scientific development.  Gene therapy, according to Gene Therapy Policy Statement is,   “to rescue mutant phenotypes by providing deficient cells with a normally functioning copy of the gene associated with the disease.” In order to cure someone of a disease, they must be injected with a different infection. This is the basis for gene therapy, but there are different types of gene therapies. The one I will focus on is Germ-line gene therapy.

     Though Germ-line gene therapy is extremely new and not focused on or used much, it is important to the scientific field today. Germ-line gene therapy is still the same as gene therapy, as far as putting new material into the cell through use of a disease, but it targets a specific cell. “Germ line gene therapy is a specific kind of therapy where genes are inserted into the reproductive cells/tissues of the organism” (What is Germ Line Gene Therapy).  The disease is inserted directly into the genetic code of a potential embryo, which is then carried out to term by the mother. The goal is to change the genetic code of future generations. This is done to end family carried diseases, such as an immune deficiency, Huntington's disease or Duchenne muscular dystrophy.  This is a positive because it is more cost effective and logical than somatic gene therapy, because it only has to be changed once and then every generation after will be cured.

     This may create a problem within the Christian community. This is due to the fact that God is the sole creator of mankind and we are made in his image. By allowing gene therapy, it allows for people to take creating 'humans' into their own hands. Then people are not made in the image God gave them, but rather a genetically altered version. It would be considered not thinking God's creation is perfect. Rather man, a feeble and weak species compared to God, is perfecting the already perfect work of God. There may also be no controversy because God purposely put man on this earth to care for each other and have domain over everything. This creates the idea if God created man with the knowledge to fix something killing his creation, then why would they not be allowed to use it. Both these points can be argued with a single passage, “So God created mankind in his own image... God blessed them and said to them... “Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground” (Genesis 1:27-28).  In support of using the knowledge and gifts God supplied a person with, is the factor that who can say God did not call that specific person to develop Germ-line gene therapy. The question that develops is: can mankind maintain the ability to change humans simply for eliminating diseases.  If so, I believe Christianity would be in support for altering the reproductive cells. 


"" What Is Germ Line Gene Therapy. Admin, 06 Mar. 2011. Web. 07 Nov. 2013.

Bushelle E, Hertz E, Hubbard D, Saylor K, Slyker A 5/6/03

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